I've perfected the process!!!
Success!!! After years of hard work and study, I've finally master the science of human cloning. This clone (pictured on the left) is nicknamed "Smeagol" because he is my precious. And also because he is my slave. I will never work again, as "Smeagol" will secretly replace me at my job for the rest of my life! Also, I will have easy access to "spare parts" when I get older.
In a way, I feel sorry for "Smeagol". His life will be filled with thankless pain and suffering in the pursuit of MY happiness. On the other hand, I don't really care because I'm evil and lazy.
Shortly after this post, "Smeagol" had to part with an eye ball, and a testicle. I needed to replace my lazy eye, but the testicle was just a whim. I want to make sure I can have children, and I think with THREE testicles I can't fail!