Saturday, January 15, 2005

Kirk's Blog: My So-Called Strife

Kirk's Blog: My So-Called Strife

I like Kirk's blog. He knows how to talk about himself (something most bloggers do, but in a completely unreadable way) without being obnoxious. In fact, he's entertaining at the same time! Some people can learn from him.

Kirk gets the first Blogger Award handed out. Maybe he'll make an acceptance speech in the future.


  1. Congratulations on bestowing your award to Kirk...he is the reason I started reading blogs and keeping one. You are also commended for being right up there in the crazy factor...glad I found you.

  2. Kirk is reason I started too, Sarafenix. What an inspiration to us all! (Hands Kirk his flowers and tiara, as flash bulbs go off)"THERE HE IS,... MR. AMERICA!..."
