Thursday, December 9, 2004

Say what?!

Well, I finally found a use for Audioblogger. I decided to get speech-slurring drunk and read names and profiles out of Pro Wrestling Illustrated's PWI 500 (the annual ranking of pro wrestlers from 1 to 500). I don't know if anyone will enjoy hearing this (personally, it's painful for me to listen to it), but I honestly don't care because it's Thursday night (I don't work on Friday, Saturday or Sunday) and I'm so drunk right now I can't believe I'm actually typing this! I'm typing very slowing, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! (falls off stool and pisses pants)

this is an audio post - click to play

1 comment:

  1. What a disgraceful display on my part. Not to mention, that I have half a cold and sound like a drunk-ass Kermit the frog. I apologize for my alcohol-fueled judgment, and most likely will not touch Audioblogger while under the influence again.
