Sunday, October 3, 2004

Mr. T's School of Charm

Are your children unruly? Do they disrespect their elders, and back talk their teachers? Are they not eating their vegetables, and lying about brushing their teeth? Have you tried everything without success? Well, look no further because the answer is here! Mr. T's School of Charm. Owned and operated by the world renowned Superstar actor, and former nightclub bouncer, Mr. T.

"I pity the fool, who ain't got no class!"

Our facilities are newly renovated on the grounds of Chicago's Sam Slade Gym. Here, your children will be coursed in the finer aspects of manners, and respectful behavior. As well as, physical fitness...the "Mr. T way"! And, as an added bonus, at the completion of your child's six week training regimen, he or she will be treated by a personal visit and motivational lecture from Clubber Lang himself, Mr. T! They'll hear such inspiring verbiage as, "I pity the fool, who don't watch Rocky III!",or "I pity the fool, who doesn't learn which one is the salad fork!", and "Don't be a fool, fool!".

So, if you want to whip that little marshmallow into a well-oiled respect machine, Mr. T's School of Charm, is your Answer.

Disclaimer: Mr. T's School of Charm is in no way responsible for the mental health, physical well-being, or life, of any child. In the result of accidental death, or dismemberment, Mr. T's School of Charm is not liable.

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