Former television star, and stand-up comedian Dave Coulier finds himself involved in one of the most bizarre crimes in Hollywood history. Coulier, who was recently featured in the VH1 reality show The Surreal Life, was having a party at his Orange county home Thursday night when the murders he stands accused of took place.
Coulier invited several of his former Full House cast mates to his home for an early veiwing party for the last episode of his recent reality show. Bob Saget, John Stamos, and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen were all in attendance, along with the parents of the Olsen twins. Friends noted strange and quirky behavior during the party by Dave. Reportedly, during the show, Mary-Kate Olsen giggled at something involving Mr. Coulier. Shortly, after her outburst, Coulier went into a fit of rage. He threw cocktail weenies at Bob Saget, and tossed a gourmet cheese ball at John Stamos.
This photo was taken just hours before the tragedy, at a local bar. Coulier is seen here with known drug dealer, Paul Gouldheim.
Five minutes later, Coulier came out of his bedroom carrying a Glock 9mm. Witnesses say he then shot both of the Olsen parents, and took off his pants, reportedly telling Mary-Kate she needed to "eat something, bitch! You're lookin' a little thin!". After climaxing in the Mary-Kate's mouth, Dave apologized for his behavior, and blamed it on "too much crack".
When police arrived Coulier was lying naked on the living room floor clutching a shoebox full of provocative photos of Bob Saget. Coulier claims they were taken in between breaks on the show at least 7 years ago. Mr. Saget had no comment.
Why, that's a blatent lie.