Monday, October 11, 2004

Bush & Kerry: The Debates

Kerry: The President has failed in Iraq.

Bush: Well, his wife is a bitch!

So far we've had 2 Presidential debates, and all I've learned from them is that John Kerry loves to smile, and George Bush gets pissed when Kerry smiles. Also, I've come to realize that repetition is very annoying!

Kerry: The President fucked up this, and he fucked up that! We need to be popular in Europe because then we'll be the "cool kid in class" again! I LOVE THE UN! They serve no purpose, but they're just so damn cute! I served in Vietnam! But I also protested Vietnam! I've done it all!

Bush: My opponent doesn't understand that the war on terror is hard work... It's tough... It's not easy... It's difficult... Did I mention that the war on terror is hard work?!

Both of ya, just shut the hell up!

Kerry: ...and that's why when I'm President, everyone will get candy.

John Kerry promises to bring world peace, and save the rain forest in the first 6 months of his Presidency. If he promises anymore to the country, I'll never have to work again! Plus, 4 months in Vietnam 30 years ago doesn't erase twiddling your thumbs in congress for 20 years, and qualify you for the Presidency.

President Bush shows us three different ways to say "You cocksuckin' motherfucker!" with body language

President Bush acts like if you question his decisions, you're some kind of asshole. Of course, stuttering at the debates doesn't help either. Maybe he should start using coke again. And, looking across the stage like John Kerry just pissed in the punchbowl, is also a striking character flaw in my book.

(Through clenched teeth) Kerry: It's almost over, bitch.

Bush: Keep smilin', fuckhead.

Either way you slice it, they both suck balls!

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