Monday, October 4, 2004

Mid-Life Crisis?

Are you a 45 year-old Dentist with a poneytail, and a motorcylce?

Do you have a 22 year-old girlfriend, who is slowly fucking you to DEATH?

Hmm. You might be going through something known as a "Mid-Life Crisis".

Mid-Life Crisis

The effects of women's menopause are well known. Yet men often experience a major transition at mid-life as well. Questioning one's life can be disturbing, leading to major job changes or divorce. But mid-life crisis can also be a time for healthy changes that lead to a fulfilling middle and older age.


During his 40's, if a man or women has been hard-working, the fruits of their labors-a home and family, material possessions-will probably surround them. Then, before anything dramatic happens, small nagging doubts may appear, perhaps followed by a series of dramatic, apparently irrational events leading up to great change. During it all, men and women ask themselves questions such as: Is this all there is? Am I a failure? Symptoms and behaviors during mid-life crisis can range from mild to severe, including:

"I once scored four touchdowns in a single High School football game."

*boredom and exhaustion, or frantic energy



*irritability, unexpected anger

*acting on alcohol, drug, food, or other compulsions

*greatly decreased or increased sexual desire

*sexual affairs, especially with someone much younger

*greatly decreased or increased ambition.

(These symptons also apply to the condition I like to call the "Stoner Emotional Rollercoaster")

SilverSurfer9090: Pssh, fuckin' losers!

::25 years later, SilverSurfer9090 shoots himself in an empty bathtub, in his Mother's backyard::

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you about the Mid Life Crisis in the life of men. That is the time, when all the men are trying to evaluate what they ahve done during all their life. Usaully, they are not satisfied with the results. It is also very difficult to understand, that they are getting closer to the end of the life. Nobody wants to be old & nobody wants to die. men usually are trying themsleves on "new fields" - affairs, jobs,... Sometimes, they act as teanagers, but it looks not very good because they are grown-ups.
