Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Oompfellas: Willy Wonka Remake

Starring Joe Pesci as Oompa Loompa #3

Gustav: God, you're funny!

Oompa Loompa #3: Wait, am I funny?

Gustav: What?

Oompa Loompa #3: How am I fuckin' funny? You said I'm funny. Funny how?

Gustav: Huh, I..don't know, you're funny, ya know? You make me laugh.

Oompa Loompa #3: You said I'm funny, now I want to know fuckin' how. What am I, a clown? I amuse you? Huh, motherfucker?!

:::Oompa Loompa reaches for gun:::

Oompa Loompa #3: Aw, I fuckin' had you goin'! This guy! Ha ha ha !

:::Gustav and the Oompa Loompa laugh together:::

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