Tuesday, February 1, 2005

A poem: Apt. I-4

(Alternate title: The nosey old bitch in the apartment below me)

Quit looking out your blinds when I pull in,

I'm not gonna rape you, crazy old bitch!

I hate your dog, he looks like a ball of lint with teeth,

I hate your glasses, did you steal them from an Elton John auction?,

I hate your robe, it's baby blue and looks like shit,

I hate your head, you look like George Burns!

Quit looking out your blinds when I pull in,

I live in the fuckin' building, crazy old bitch!

No, I didn't hear the loud party last night,

No, I don't know who pissed in front of your door,

No, I don't know whose truck that is,

No, we didn't play my stereo until 3 am, I was in bed at 10 pm

Quit looking out your blinds when I pull in,

If you don't quit staring at me, I'm gonna RAPE your old ass!

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