Friday, February 25, 2005

Pope: will he rise to the ten count?

Pope John Paul II, who underwent a tracheotomy Thursday to relieve respiratory problems, is breathing on his own today without assistance from a ventilator, a papal spokesman said. The pope had a breakfast of coffee, yogurt and biscuits, Joaquin Navarro-Valls said.

Hmm... it seems to me the Pope is gonna die soon. I mean, he's already become a human potato over the past decade, and now they're poking holes in his decrepit spud.

Of course, I thought he was gonna die a few weeks earlier and he somehow was able to get more life sustaining energy out of his communion wafers.

I made a joke of his illness a while back, and I kind of just did again, but I wish the Pope well. But I don't see him making another recovery at this point. It will be interesting to get to see the process of choosing a new Pope(kind of like Haley's comet, not a common occurrence).

Soon the new Pope will be chosen. He'll be given the cool hat, the keys to the Pope-mobile, and he'll dash out the door to fight Satan in Adam West-fashion! It will definitely be different.

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