Sunday, February 13, 2005

King of the Blogs: Results

The Radical Centrist: 40
SilverSurfer9090: 37
Unadulterated Arrogance: 35.5
Click here for the Judges scorecards.(I acually won the scorecard!)

Well, I got much love from the judges on overall blog and my response to the challenge question. It was the submitted entry that killed me. My job sent me out of town this week and I really wanted to write two new posts for the contest, but I didn't have the time and I did all my submissions Monday night. Oh well, at least it was close and I didn't come in third. Which is kind of funny(the guy with the most votes in the poll came in dead last! crazy.)

I know if I had been in-town all week, I could have won(I could've given more to it). But it was a lot of fun, and I had a good time.

I sent out about a dozen e-mail last week asking folks to vote for me. Some did, and I said I would thank them in my Blog. So, without further ado...

Thanks go out to(all super-cool people):

Dark Corner7659



VampyreHuntress and Maggot


If I left anyone out please let me know, and I'll add them(I only got a few e-mails back. I'm trying to remember who said they did.)

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