Saturday, December 31, 2005

SS9090 Blogger Awards: Returning in January '06

This isn't SilverSurfer9090: The Mind of Norrin Radd anymore, but the SS9090 Blogger Awards are returning.

My New Year's resolution is to be more critical of others and much meaner and not as nice. Just kidding.

The awards will return but I'm honestly not going to use them to attack people and provoke fellow bloggers as I have in the past. What else could I be trying to do when I tell someone that their blog sucks and they've won an award that looks like a wrinkled food stamp?

So, awards might not look the same as before, and they may not be called SS9090 Blogger Awards either. The details haven't been completely worked out except for the fact that they won't be as mean.

So, it looks like I'm going to have to start reading other people's blogs again!

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