Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas tunes

Click here to listen to 'Wham-Last Christmas'

(the link will open a new window and automatically play. I suggest clicking on the link and returning to the previous window by clicking on it along the task bar at the bottom. That way you can listen while reading this post.)

I know this is an old song, but I've never really noticed it until this Christmas. It's one of those songs that gets stuck in your head all day, but you don't mind because it doesn't suck.

Plus, it's kind of an excuse to use It's free hosting of image, video and audio. I've already got a reliable image host, I'm more interested in the audio/video side.

Unfortunately, you can't hotlink or embed the files directly into your blog, but it's free so I really can't complain. I may upload some video in the future. But, I doubt anyone would want me to.

Anyway, Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings, and Happy Holidays to everyone around the world, of all races, religions, and cultures. Tomorrow should be quite pimpin' and I expect to list a rundown of my take of the Christmas loot for everyone.

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