Friday, January 27, 2006

Royal Rumble

John Cena meet Edge for the WWE Championship this Sunday at the Royal Rumble

I decided to get the Royal Rumble Pay Per View this weekend. Which is kind of a big deal since I haven't watched a single WWE Pay Per View since last year's Wrestlemania XXI almost a year ago. But the last few weeks of TV have slowly gotten better each week, and I've usually enjoyed the Rumble even when the shows haven't been that good so... we'll see.

I honestly blame myself for not enjoying wrestling as much as I did as a kid. When you learn all the tricks of a trade and go out of your way to read the storyline spoilers online, how CAN you actually suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the show, instead of being more a critic and not a spectator. I've been trying harder lately to allow myself to just enjoy it.

I usually watch the Royal Rumble because if you think about it, it's really a hard concept to screw up because it's so simple. 30 men draw numbers and enter the ring one at a time every few minutes. The object of the Rumble being to toss the other opponents over the tope rope to the floor, thus eliminating them. And when only one man is left in the ring, he's won the Rumble and a title shot at Wrestlemania.

And in honor of my newfound optimism in WWE's product I felt like sharing this video file on my account. The video is a music montage of former Ring Of Honor star CM Punk. I love this video so much, especially the wrestling action toward the end. It's guy like CM Punk that give me hope for wrestling in the future.

Plus, the Coldplay song, Fix You, is a great tune. Enjoy.

Click here to watch 'CM-Punk'

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