Tuesday, November 23, 2004

This Week In Sports!

Indiana-Detroit Brawl

Ron Artest benched for the rest of the season

Things sure have changed from when I was a kid, and Michael Jordan was playing. Nowadays, the players in the NBA will give you more than autograph! They'll give you a scar with a folding chair! I heard on the radio that more than half the active players in the NBA right now are convicted felons. I don't know how accurate that statement is, but if it's anywhere near close, things are getting pretty sad.

Then the Players League says that the punishments were too harsh! I thought they were lucky to be allowed to keep their jobs. I really shouldn't complain since I don't remember the last time I watched an entire NBA game anyway. The game has gotten kinda boring to watch the last couple of years, so maybe they should add halftime fistfights to spice things up.

Ron Artest also has a CD coming out which he describes as "love songs". As I watched Artest try to break the face of a Pistons fan with his knuckles, I thought to myself "He should do an album of love songs... he's so full of passion!"

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