Saturday, November 6, 2004

Norrin Radd: The Return!

Hi Bloggers and Bloggettes! This is my first post in 7 DAYS! There are two reasons why I have been gone so long.

The first reason: My job. I was sent to Carrabelle, Florida this week to do a survey for a new water line(oh, the excitement). Carrabelle has nice people, but it was a little too much like the town in My Cousin Vinny.

The second: My Birthday! As of November the 3rd, I am 23. I got home from work at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, and was welcomed by a birthday dinner by my wife, Crystal. BBQ ribs, corn, creamed spinach, mac and cheese, and a salad. Washed it down with a tall glass of sweet tea!(my wife is the best)

And of course, cake and ice cream! I'll try not to go so long without a "wassup" post. Thank you, Bloggers and Bloggettes!

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