Friday, November 26, 2004

Some new additions to SS9090

Well, Thanksgiving is now sadly behind us, but the leftovers will last a lifetime. My refrigerator is completely filled with all the essentials to make myself meals for days. I suppose I don't actually need so much food, but what else am I going to do with? Send it to Somalia?! (laughs for ten minutes and sighs)

And since we're in the season to give thanks, I decided it was time to give thanks for the many blogs out there that I read and entertain me so much. You'll notice on the righthand sidebar in the Blogs, Livejournals, Etc. section that there are some new faces. No Milk Please, Shut Up Ed, and Thoughts Of Mike. I find all three of these guys to be clever writers, entertaining personalities, and "better than the average blogger".

Which is also how I feel about my first Blog link, Kirk's Blog: My So-Called Strife. I believe Kirk's blog actually already has links to a couple of these blogs, but I don't because I'm so damned lazy. (actually, Kirk has more Blog links than I have Blog Entries!)

Also, a new addition to the Blog is my latest entry into the Hall Of Fame. The Marx Bros.

(click to enlarge)

(top to bottom)Chico, Harpo, Groucho, and Zeppo Marx

I shouldn't have to say why they're Hall of Famers because if you don't know why... well, I just can't help you with that. I have plans for some more Hall Of Famers but haven't made my "final cuts" just yet. There are just too many people who have had a remarkable impact on pop culture, so it isn't easy.

So, after saying all that, I fully encourage all my readers, Bloggers and Bloggettes out there to check out these other MVP Bloggers.

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