Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Sorry, babe

...but I had to write about this. Last night while we were lying in bed me and Crystal were joking with each other. We were talking about coming straight home today after work and having sex. During the conversation Crystal said,"you can give me a good pokin!"

I've been laughing since last night! She doesn't normally talk like that (actually she never talks like that) which is probably why I'm still smiling. A good "pokin'"? Heh, yeah... I'm still laughing.

I asked if I could boink her instead, but that option was vetoed. So was porking.

Oh yeah. I wasn't suppose to write about that. She said it made her sound like she should be living in a trailer (yeah, it does). But I'm sorry I have an audience and I have an obligation to deliver the goods.

Sorry, babe. (She's gonna kick my a**)


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