Saturday, April 16, 2005

A poem: Wal-Mart shopper

Attention Wal-Mart shoppers,
Please comb your hair, please brush your teeth,
Please don't squeeze your 400 lb. wife's ass in the check-out line,
Your family is disgustingly similar to livestock

Attention Wal-Mart shoppers,
If you walk into me by exiting out of the entrance door I'll kill you,
I don't want the squeaky cart,
Quit giving me the squeaky cart,
Why did you give me the fuckin' squeaky cart?

Attention Wal-Mart shoppers,
An elderly woman crossing the parking lot crosswalk almost got killed by some teenagers in a pick-up truck,
Who the fuck bought me a rap album at Wal-Mart?,

Attention Wal-Mart shoppers,
The mullet will never die,
The elderly greeter likes to give me smiley stickers,
The teenage cashier likes to charge me twice and forget to give me all my bags,
Sam Walton has triggered the End of Days

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