Tuesday, July 20, 2004

A Sad Situation

I recently found out something tragic was occuring in the life of one of my friends. Apparently, her Father had decided to leave her Mother after 35 years of marriage. I asked her why, after so many years of love and devotion, this bond was being broken. She turned to me with tears in her eyes and said what her Father had said to her Mother only hours earlier, and tried not show the horror in my soul. He said,''The only reason I had sex with you in the first place is because I thought you were a man! When the baby was born, I thought the nice thing to do was stick around! Well, now my job is done!". After his speech, he went out to participate in some homosexuality, as his sexual preference intended. Her Father was gay and her Mother looked like a man. Mother Nature had been doubley cruel in this case. Boo ya!


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