Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm worst blogger ever

I blog about every three weeks it seems. I gotta get on the ball, man.

I've had this thing for years now and it must be the most random and scattershot collection of thoughts ever compiled. I know in the beginning none of it was serious. It was a complete joke for my own amusement, just a time killer. Then somewhere in the middle I tried to tell stories from my past and after that I tried to just document everday life. Then I quit for about a year.

Now I'm just getting back into the swing of things again. I plan on getting back to the familiar form I use to bring. More structure and photographs, possibly YouTube posts once more.

NCAAF: Maryland really let me down when they just rolled over and died for Florida State, but whats new there, right?

NCAAB: Terps, don't let me down. I know you will but I'm asking you not to.

NBA: The Mavs are 7-7 so far. I'm losing any emotional attachment this year with them.

NFL: The Ravens put the entire Eagles' season and Donovan McNabb's career in jeopardy by laying down an all-star Baltimore beatin' on those Philly cheese steak suckin' maroons. With a rookie QB and a first-year head coach, 7-4 is looking pretty good and there's chance for the playoffs this season.

As far as work goes, I plan to dive into all that here shortly.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sports: keep hope alive

Saturday I was already prepared to write-off the Terps' season after there game with UNC, but Maryland put together a final drive in the 4th quarter to take the lead and win the game.

Next is Florida State who lost this weekend to Boston College in Tallahassee. I think the Terps can do this thing if they decide not to be their own worst enemy and phone it in, as they can sometimes do. Chris Turner our QB can be a spaz and looks like Napolean Dynamite, but he can be great at times. If you play good next week, Chris Turner, I'll catch you a delicious bass.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Got a new job

Just when I thought I had all this time on my hands after getting let go from my job, I have a new one. I gotta be honest: being home for a month was not that bad.

Now it's back to CAD. I working at a company that does commercial signs for businesses. I do the fabrication drawings for the shop workers who actually build them. It's completely different from the civil engineering and survey CAD work I was doing for the last 4 years, but it's a nice change of pace.

NFL: Joe Flacco is my homeboy. The Raven's are 6-3 and still in this thing. They've got the Giants this Sunday and even though New York should be able to win this one, I think Baltimore is in a good spot to get the upset this week.

NCAAF: Maryland went down to Virginia Tech and laid an egg and then the Hokies picked it up and smashed in the Terps' faces. North Carolina next. Florida State too... sigh.

NBA: The Mavs can't finish games. They're starting this season 4-2. Maybe Avery Johnson wasn't the problem in Dallas. Huh, Mark Cuban?

I just got a Nintendo Wii. I've been playing with my Wii a lot. My hands and arms are so sore from playing with my Wii. I've been working up a sweat I've been playing with my Wii so much. That's enough Wii jokes.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday, November 4th, 2008

Being unemployed is very weird. I never truly realized what a creature of habit I am until now. Not having a job to wake up for Monday through Friday has completely changed my sleep patterns or I should say I stay up until ungodly hours watching the most asinine programming. Whats funny about it is the fact that it's not a product of lament or sadness... just of unoccupation. Nothing about my mood has changed in my estimation, it's like being 13 and on summer vacation again only I'm not 13, I'm 27 and I don't know how to be on summer vacation anymore. If you could go back in time and tell the 13 year old me that he'd probably spontaneously explode from the mere pondering of the notion. I know I'm shocked by it now.

But as I sit here collecting unemployment for the first time in my relativley short life I take pleasure in the simplest of things.

My marriage is like granite rock. We've only been together less than 7 years but have already faced a lifetimes worth of adversity. Health. Death. Finance. Nothing has ever shaken our commitment to one another, if anything it's always seemed to bring us closer together when we've made it through to the other side. And at this point, having done it so many times already, I can tell that we both know we will be fine when these things arise again and we have to push through them again. I'm very grateful for that.

I have to also say I never knew what a sports fan I was until I had nothing to do but watch SportsCenter. I'm more interested in College Football, the NFL, NBA, and Major League Baseball than at any other time in my life. I actually watched every game of the World Series which I have to say probably wasn't worth the time invested.

Something I really didn't invest any time into lately was the Presidential Election since I was just waiting for it to end. Every day when I walk out to my mailbox I have to throw away countless "vote early" and "vote your values" cards. Then I have to erase three or four automated calls on my answering machine from the Governor urging me to vote on election day. No more. Thank God. And I didn't even vote! Thought about it... for a few seconds.

Either way I couldn't say that the historical significance wasn't lost one me last night when I was watching the NBC news and they unveiled an enormous graphic stating "President Obama". I was really surprised at the shock I still had when first seeing it. I had already come to the conclusion that Barack Obama was probably going to win days ago, but I guess believing it and actually seeing it are two different things. It was amazing and probably one of the most powerful moments in our country's history to occur during my lifetime. I thought about that for quite a while last night. I thought that was cool.

I really had no investment in either McCain or Obama and felt that one was as good as the other, and so I'm still just glad the entire thing is over.

As for other things on my mind, I'm sure I'll think of a way of organizing those thoughts at a later date in the future. Right now I've got to check out what's on ESPN.