Friday, July 20, 2007

Appetite for Destruction

Man, work was something this week or at least the second half of this week was. I had a lot of very large issues to deal with concerning more than one of our larger clients, and after jumping through all the hoops and putting in the long days it seems to have paid off for everyone. So I'm looking forward to weekend, it feels earned.

A few of the guys at work thought we should do a guys' night out this weekend. The plan is to go to Club La Vela out on the beach and see a Guns N Roses cover band tomorrow night. One of my co-workers has apparently seen these guys before and said they were worth going to see and since it's not much to get into La Vela, that's the plan for Saturday. All the guys spoke to their wives and it would seem that we've all got our signed permission slips from home to go on the trip.


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