Sunday, April 30, 2006

Hibachi, baby!

I went to the MORI Japanese Steakhouse last night.
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It was my first time going to one of the Japanese Steakhouses around Panama City Beach, and I must say I wasn't disappointed.

The MORI has one of the nicest atmospheres for a restaurant that I've seen around the city. There was a beautiful wooden bridge over a shrub and rock garden on the exterior, and a wide hallway with large glass windows from the front doors to the main interior.

When we seated we were placed next to a large family on vacation. I didn't think to ask where they were from, but they sounded like they were from Alabama, really nice people. Our soup and salad before the meal were both very good and the atmosphere around the room was very pleasant.

Shortly after our soup and salad, our chef came over. He was a young guy, very charming demeanor. He went through his whole routine of flames, knife juggling, egg spinning, and everything. He told a few jokes and made some little things on the side for a birthday girl at our table (a heart from fried rice, a flaming tiered cake from an onion). While he went through the whole thing, cooking for the nine people at our table, I didn't take my eyes off the chef for 45 minutes. And to top it all off - my steak and shrimp were fantastic, man!

It was a good time and needless to say, I'll be going back fairly soon.

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