I've decided to be fairly quiet about the whole illegal immigrant issue lately because I honestly didn't care about it very much. I also didn't see these rallies and the news coverage at the moment as something that would really change a single thing. Well, I thought I could just continue to ignore it, but recently it's just gotten too annoying for me not to say
Ok... well, it's actually been obnoxious from the very beginning to me when I saw people marching in the street. Not because U.S. immigrants were under attack. Not because U.S. immigrants were being denied their civil rights. Not because U.S. immigrants were being deported. But, because ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (you might as well just say Mexicans) were going to be considered felons and sent back to their contry of origin.
Sorry, but even as a fellow Latino (Puerto Rican) I can't support such nonsense. Demanding that a country give you "full rights" when you're not even a citizen of that country is ridiculous. It's like kicking in someone's backdoor, walking in, and then demanding to have dinner at the dining room table with the family simply because you're in the house now. It doesn't work like that, it's never worked like that, and it never should!!! If you want "full... rights" then try coming here "the... right... way!!!".
It really wasn't the marching that got me pissed off, I just thought that was simply childish. It's been the more recent things. Like Senator Ted Kennedy comparing this situation to the Civil Rights movement of the 60s. Ted, I'm sure all the black American citizens who were lynched, lived through segregation, were beaten and attacked by police, and gave their lives to have the rights they were denied by their own country, would appreciate being compared to some people who jumped a fence (sarcasm, of course).
Or like liberals taking offense to these people being called,"illegal immigrants", and saying that they are simply,"immigrants". If that's the case, why do we even have immigration law?! If there's no difference in the two, why defend the border?! Oh yeah, that's NOT how it works because that's ludicrous. If you don't like the "illegal" label, then don't come here "illegally". Idiots, man.
I think the last straw for me, was this new Spanish-version Star Spangled Banner with new whiney-ass lyrics. I think at this point, any mainstream support that illegal immigrants had has been eroded with this kind of constant bitching and bastardizing of American symbology.
Oh... and don't let me forget the whole - "There's no such thing as LEGAL immigrants" b.s. Yes, actually there is such a thing. You might think we stole this country from the native americans or that we came here illegally, but no country existed when we came here, and the native americans didn't believe in land ownership, so they didn't try to claimed it until they were basically slaughtered. Doesn't make what we did to the native americans right, or justified. But it doesn't make us all "illegal".
Besides that, let me say, I don't have anything against Mexicans or immigrants. But, I'm not going to listen to the loud cry of a group of people who broke the law to be here in the first place and now want amnesty. It's not right, or fair to the people who
do come here legally. If they can't understand that, then I don't want them to be called "Americans" anyway. We already have enough whiners in this country, we don't need to start importing them too.
I just felt like I needed to go on the record and say how I feel about this since it keeps dragging on and on.
It seems to have pissed off someone near the top too, since the raids on businesses have been stepped up a bit also. I think this entire thing is going to set Latinos back in this country, and YES, I blame illegals for it. Sorry, but that's my opinion and the opinion of most of my friends.