Friday, March 25, 2005

"Where's the beef?" or Wendy's Dave Thomas Tribute Chili

Wendy's says origin of chili finger unknown

LOS ANGELES, March 24 (Reuters) - Wendy's International Inc. said on Thursday it had investigated how a severed human finger made it into a bowl of chili at one of its restaurants and found no evidence that an accident involving one of its workers or suppliers was to blame.

None of Wendy's employees at the San Jose, California restaurant where the incident occurred has suffered any injury, Wendy's spokesman Denny Lynch said.

He added that there had also been no hand- or finger-related injuries found by the suppliers that provide the ingredients for its chili.

"We haven't found anything that can support the allegations that Wendy's was the source of this partial finger," Lynch said.

Officials on Wednesday said a diner at a Wendy's fast-food restaurant found a human finger in a bowl of chili prepared by the chain.

An investigation of the restaurant by health inspectors "gave us a clean bill of health," Lynch said, adding that Wendy's is cooperating with the ongoing police investigation into the matter.

Interesting on so many levels. How many retail and restaurant chain founders are spinning in their graves right now? I'm sure Col. Sanders feels your pain Dave Thomas. What's that? Oh, Sam Walton's rotting cadaver just rocketed out of the earth after they built a new Wal-Mart on an ancient indian burial ground.

Of course, this customer is a millionaire now. Unless, it turns out they put the finger in their chili. We shall see, but they should be grateful it was just a severed human finger and not some other severed human appendage.

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