Saturday, August 6, 2005

My Swear Jar

I will succeed or become broke trying

Since becoming closer to God in recent time, I've taken a longer look at myself, and my ways.

I've tried to tackle most of them at the same time, and have been pretty successful for the most part. But, my language has been a problem for a long time. Cursing has been a part of my being for as long as I can remember. I recall during my last car accident I let words fly out of me like a swarm of locusts toward the drivers in the other two cars.

But, I can't in good conscience call myself Christian if I don't strive to "walk the walk" and not just "talk the talk" everyday that I go forward as a believer. So, the Swear Jar was born.

At first, I said to my wife as we were both getting ready for bed,"I'm gonna start a Swear Jar,"

She asked me how that was supposed to work, and I explain everytime I cursed, I would have to put money into a jar as punishment. She then asked what I would do with the money and I informed her that I would get it all back at the end of the month. I was then informed that such a plan would never work. Since the punishment is the loss of money I shouldn't get it back. I saw the wheel turning in her head, that she thought she might be able to put the change to good use. So, I decided not to allow her to get it either and simply put it in the church offering plate.

So far, I've had the Swear Jar for about two weeks and I have a grand total of $4.90.

The pay scale is pretty simple:

All swear words are $00.25

The grand daddy swears are $1.00 (the F-related swears, and taking the Lord's name in vain)

At the time being I don't count Hell or Damn as swears, but I might change that.

The reason I have an amount not divisible by $00.25 is because the day I started the Swear Jar I simply emptied my pockets into the jar.

It's about a week since I've cursed and I plan to continue.

Now I need to work on my hormones!!! Man, have I lusted in my heart, ha ha ha!!! I think it's the hardest thing for me to overcome. I've come to the conclusion that if I'm not gonna look at porn or deal with myself in a "hands-on" manner, if you know what I mean, then my wife is gonna get just simply devoured every night!!! I seriously mean that.

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