Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Work has been pretty damn uneventful. Spent most of the day trying to quench my recent thirst for job-related knowledge by actually going into some of my fellow employees' offices adn reading books on their shelves. Some CAD Drafting material, but mostly Land Surveying subject matter like three-wire level notes and other such things.

I've been getting a lot of praise for my job performance lately. I find it kind of strange since I'm probably in one of my lowest levels of work volume that I can think of in quite a while. I think it has more to do with the fact that we've had several longtime employees leave and go elsewhere, and I've been given their workloads. But it really turned out to be almost nothing. Kind of strange really. Plus we've been given new software and I've been told I'm one of the few not to complain about it or struggle. I attribute this versatility and adaptability on my gaming skills and youthful mind. Most of my colleagues are near my father's age and seem to have a healthy disdain for anything involving "change".

Other than that, my back has been killing me since we've moved into our new Apt. and it's turning me into an angry person (I've got to do something about it soon). I've always ignored pain, but this is some real ridiculous stuff, it has to be a pinched nerve or a herniated thingamajig, know what I'm sayin'?



  1. I'm Glad You are Back! As for the back -- moist heat! Stay away from all the painkillers that the MDs pass out like candy -- at least as much as you can. Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks, Rhonda.

    Now I just need to have something to say.
